Nedstar’s cachaça: pure Brazilian spirit

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage and unparalleled quality of cachaça, a spirit that captures the essence of Brazil in every sip. Nedstar brings you this fine spirit in unparalleled quality from our best Brazilian distilleries.

What is cachaça?

Cachaça is a traditional Brazilian spirit crafted from fermented sugarcane juice. Distinctive in flavour and character, it is a versatile liquor that has become an integral part of Brazilian culture. Renowned for its light and smooth taste with a spicy and mineral finish, it is the perfect choice for those seeking a spirit that embodies the spirit of Brazil.

Interested in buying cachaça made by Nedstar?

Request a tailored offer from our commercial experts to explore your options.

Cachaça use cases

Cachaça is a key ingredient in Brazil's most celebrated cocktail, the Caipirinha. Its versatility extends beyond the classic cocktail, making it an excellent choice for mixologists and home enthusiasts alike. Nedstar's cachaça promises an authentic taste experience, perfect for your spirit portfolio.

Choose cachaça made by Nedstar

At Nedstar, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality products that are tailored to your spirit needs. Our cachaça stands out for its authenticity, with a rich flavour profile that reflects the true essence of Brazil. Above all, we are committed to responsible and sustainable sourcing practices: Our cachaça is made from premium sugarcane, and harvested with respect for the environment and local communities.

As a global ethanol supplier, Nedstar brings you the best of the world's spirits. With our extensive network and logistics expertise, we ensure that you can enjoy the taste of Brazil, no matter where you are.

Cachaça quality certifications

Our cachaça complies with ISO22000 standards and can be delivered with EU organic, USDA Organic, and GMO-free certification. Learn more about the certifications we supply below.


Exporting ethanol to countries worldwide from over 50 international suppliers requires the appropriate packaging. To make sure that your product arrives safely to its destination, Nedstar has a number of packaging options, suitable for any industry or amount of ethanol.

See all packaging options
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IBC tote

Nedstar's IBC totes have a capacity of 1,000 litres / 264 gallons and are the perfect choice for smaller quantities of bulk alcohol. IBCs are not only reusable but also stackable.

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ISO tank

Suitable for various transport modes such as ship or truck and ideal for the delivery of bulk quantities, guaranteeing safety and efficiency for your shipment.
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Large amounts of cachaça, delivered directly to your doorstep. Our tanktrucks are a reliable and cost-effective way of receiving ethanol worldwide.

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IBC tote

Nedstar's IBC totes have a capacity of 1,000 litres / 264 gallons and are the perfect choice for smaller quantities of bulk alcohol. IBCs are not only reusable but also stackable.

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ISO tank

Suitable for various transport modes such as ship or truck and ideal for the delivery of bulk quantities, guaranteeing safety and efficiency for your shipment.
Image of truck


Large amounts of cachaça, delivered directly to your doorstep. Our tanktrucks are a reliable and cost-effective way of receiving ethanol worldwide.

Want to embrace the spirit of Brazil?

Plan your order of our cachaça spirit by contacting our commercial experts!