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Joris Djojokarso

Picture of Joris Djojokarso Picture of Joris Djojokarso
Joris Djojokarso

Logistics Manager

Dutch, English, French

Joris Djojokarso

Joris is part of our logistics department and supports the team as Logistics Manager. His years of experience in the logistics sector and dedication contribute to our reliable operations.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words

Growing, fresh, fun.

Describe a project or accomplishment you're particularly proud of.

I’m particularly proud of the latest big project we have been working on with the logistics team, and that’s the implementation of our new software Agiboo. Setting up and professionalising our logistics infrastructure is something I am excited to see and be part of!

Next to that, I am also really proud of how we as a team have tackled all of the business challenges that have been coming our way as a rapidly growing scale-up. I personally learned a lot from these situations and developed more knowledge about the industry.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

Building up a real team, especially in the logistics department. I feel like we work as friends but also with a lot of professionalism; everyone goes the extra mile for our clients. Overall, our team is becoming more diverse and experienced, which brings Nedstar to another level.

If you could work from any location in the world for a month, where would it be, and why?

I think what would be nice is to stay on an island, in a house on wooden poles somewhere next to the sea. A place where I could go scuba diving during lunch break. It is very important to me to find moments to relax during work to regain my focus, so this would probably be an ideal situation.