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Ayelen Wierna

Picture of Ayelen Wierna Picture of Ayelen Wierna
Ayelen Wierna

Finance Assistant

Spanish, English

Ayelen Wierna

As a Finance Assistant, Ayelen brings a wealth of knowledge to the team and is a vital part of the finance department.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Curious, caring, loyal.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words.

Encouraging, supporting, honest.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

We really work hard to get accurate information that allows us to later take good decisions for our clients and suppliers.

Can you share a favorite team memory or event that you've enjoyed with your co-workers? 

About a year ago, we hosted a barbecue in the office backyard, creating a great atmosphere for me to connect with many of my colleagues' families and friends for the first time. Also, it was on that very day that Francis shared the exciting news of my visa approval!

If you could work from any location in the world for a month, where would it be, and why?

If I could work from anywhere, I think I would rent a house in Brazil, located just in front of the beach. I would invite my whole family and friends to spend the month together.